Timber Web Design

6 Reasons Why A Well-Designed Website Can Help Your Small Business Grow

Does every small business need a website? It might be possible to find a small business that would not benefit from having a good website, but it would be difficult. Notice that the qualifier on that statement is the word 'good'. A poorly designed website can actually hurt a business.

Why Is a Well-Designed Website Important for Your Small Business?

Your competitors are on the web. Do a quick search for your product or service (such as 'plumbers in spokane') and see who pops up on the first search page. Each of those businesses is making money that could be yours.

1. Beat the Competition. A website is frequently the first impression that a customer has of the business and should stand out from the rest. If the content or design is poor, it will reflect a lack of commitment to quality - and that's the absolute last impression that any business wants to give to a prospective customer.

2. Smart Phones Rule. The website must be optimized for mobile searchers. People seldom use the yellow pages; they reach for their phones, but have short attention spans. If they cannot navigate the site quickly and easily to find the information they were looking for, it's on to the next site. Be sure to include a map for local customers.

3. A Digital Business Card. Printed business cards will probably always have a place, but a website also functions as a business card. However, this digital business card allows much more information to be available for the customer. Everything that a business owner would like the customer to know about their products and services can be only a click away. A happy customer will tell friends to, "Check out their website!"

4. Relationship Building. An online presence allows customers to learn about the business 24/7. It also strengthens customer service by allowing customers to email at any time. If a customer has a problem, learning about it provides the opportunity to fix the problem and have a satisfied customer. Only a fraction of unhappy customers contact a business with their complaint. Providing an easy email contact method can turn a customer who just never comes back again into a repeat customer. Newsletters and pertinent emails also work well for many businesses (just don't send so many that people feel harassed).

5. Social Media. Most businesses now add links to social media to their website as another way to build relationships with customers. This can offer a business a distinct advantage over the competition, if it is done well.

6. Special Offers and Other Advertising. Website advertising can be very inexpensive. Change prices, have weekend specials, offer internet-only sales. Try different promotions and see what works the best. People love to save money!

To view some examples of excellent Timber Web Design in spokane, visit timberwebdesign.com. Their portfolio showcases many well-thought-out websites that are working for their owners. Contact them to learn more about how they could help to make your business grow.